Australian and New Zealand Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abuse

Advanced Therapeutic Approaches with Child Sex Offenders

Presented by: ANZATSA (New Zealand)

William L. Marshall, OC and Liam Marshall are presenting a one-day workshop that is a unique professional development opportunity for practitioners who have experience working therapeutically with child sex offenders. The content will identify the elements that make treatment effective such as (1) treatment targets, (2) best practice procedures to address these factors, (3) enhancing treatment responsiveness and adherence, and (4) examining the value of a major theoretical orientation and the implications for manualised programmes. In addition, Bill and Liam will also outline their recently proposed subcategories of child molesters ('affiliative vs non-affiliative') as an alternative to confusing notions of 'incest vs non-incest'; familial vs non-familial (i.e., stranger offenders). Lastly, a discussion will follow regarding relevant issues that includes (1) age-related issues, (2) relevance of non-criminogenic factors such as denial, empathy, and self-esteem/shame, (3) attachment, (4) a strength-based approach and resilience/vulnerability factors, and (5) outcome studies and how to evaluate outcome.

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